Retrieving products from Plytix
To retrieve products from Plytix we go through different steps that you need to setup. As a PIM system has a lot of non standardized fields the setup is a bit more complex than other systems
Important Settings
We use settings to adjust the behaviour of the integrations the following basic settings are important to understand
- Proces only webitems Is used to decrease the load to Plytix and only selects data that is actually needed in the target system. You can determine a field in PIM with a true false value to determine if the product should be send to the target application. If you turn the setting off all product data will be considered
- use_last_modified_date the modification date is the date we check upon if a article is updated or not. If you set the time back to a previous date you can reload articles. Be aware plytix doesn’t support microseconds so after a bulkupdate the lastmodified date is not sufficient anymore so we also use the offsett for this. Do not adjust the offset.
- use_amount the amount of articles we try and sync at once. For Plytix the amount can be set higher then for other systems as a pim has the behaviour of having bigger updates then for example ERP systems. Always check if the target system can handle the amount of data
- use_offset If the last articles has a date that is not different from the first article in the list we will update the offsett.
Features and attributes are mapped according to the mapping table. If there is a parent child relation and “attributes” are present on the parent they will be processed as features. If the article is a “simple” product attributes will be processed as features.
for example the following between Plytix and WooCommerce
As Plytix supports variantproducts per default there is also already a identifier in Plytix it self we use for creating the relation. The attributes and features are still used for providing the data in the correct format to apicenter. Attributes are used for creating the variant for example logical attributes are color - size - material etc.
Logical features are country of origin or EAN if the target system doesn't have a predefined field for this
Categories are different from other systems, the complete structure is already provided by Plytix, but Plytix can have multiple category trees. For this we use the following setting: default sales channel if there is no value set we skip retrieving the category. If you fill in the category structure you want to retrieve it will retrieve per product the category structure. see example below how it looks in Plytix and APIcenter
Important! Plytix accepts "&" in titels of categories. Most Webshops do not accept this value it is recommended to not use this value in titles or names.
See example below for a product categorie structure
Plytix category
Apicenter Integration settings
Features & attributes
As the behavior of a PIM is that there are lots of custom fields and it is not standardized features and attributes are really important. Please be aware that the fieldstructure for plytix is always attributes.{fieldnamesmallletters} so for example attributes.ean or attributes.country_of_origin
As the default data mapping is minimal you should always check if you want to map a field to a default field in the datamapper for this you can add the field manually in the datamapper and press enter
This flow needs the mapping tables for attributes and features. These are the settings needed respectivelyUse Attribute Mapping Table
andUse Feature Mapping
Images are fetched and processed.
The price of the articles is synced. B2B pricing is currently not supported
It is not in the nature of a PIM system to have stock support, the maindriver behind this is that a pim is updated regularly with product information and stock is fed to the target system via a direct integration
Settings used:
Setting | Type | Function/Effect |
use_amount | FLOW | Holds the amount of products to process |
use_offset | FLOW | Holds the page of the products to process |
use_last_modified_date | Flow | The ModifiedDate of the last product fetched and used in the next job’s filter |
only_process_webitems | FLOW | Enables the feature to filter on a field value |
Field name that holds the value to filter on | FLOW | determines the field that is used for filterin. always needs the structur attributes.fieldname |
use_attribute_mapping | FLOW | Determine if the integration needs mapping table for attributes |
use_feature_mapping | FLOW | Determine if the integration needs mapping table for features |
default_currency_code_prices | INTEGRATION | Holds the currency to use to find the price of the product to use |
default_sales_channel | INTEGRATION | Determines what category tree needs to be used for the integration |
Endpoints used:
The following endpoints are needed to complete the getProduct flow:
Endpoint | Method | Definition |
getProducts | POST | /products/search |
getProduct | GET | /products/{id} |
getProductVariants | GET | /products/{id}/variationse |