For the OSS rules you want to be able to select the correct TAXclass that is used for creating the taxreports and values. In this case this is also a integration between a accounting system and a webshop. The webshop returns a excluding price for the line items but tax is calculated in the shop. And the accounting software expects a excluding price to calculate the tax itself. But we need to be able to “tell” the accounting software what rule to apply
So in the above scenario, we want to know the country of delivery and if there is a VAT Number present. As you might notice we also provided a default value that is not forced but applicable in the case the mapping criteria are not met.
For a Dutch customer without a VATnumber we want to use taxclass ID 1. That for example triggers the accounting software to apply 21% tax for the case there is a dutch customer with a VATnumber we apply the same rule.
NL|TRUE --> 1
NL|FALSE --> 1
As we are as a company present in the Netherlands and we have for example a customer from Belgium that is a consumer or a company we want to differentiate between the Tax that needs to be applied. So in case of a Belgium Customer with a VATnumber we get as an output BE|TRUEà 3 that can correspond with the accounting software to not apply taxes on the prices provided
But BE|FALSE will result in 4 and that applies the Belgian Tax rate to the orderlines for example 22%