Before you are able to connect Brincr to APIcenter you need to go through the following steps to allow APIcenter to access Brincr
- Follow the steps in chapter 1 out of the Brincr documentation:
- Go to the Visma App Store and log in using your Brincr login credentails.
- Search for "APIcenter Brincr (60+ apps)" and select this.
- At the bottom of the page you will find a button called "Authorize App". Click this.
- Accept the shown rights that we need and click on the button "Integrate"
- Login into your Brincr application en ga naar de "API MANAGEMENT" page. (You will find it in the menu under: Miscellaneous > Settings > API MANAGEMENT)
- Click at the API-integration on the pencil to change the integration.
- Under "Visma client-ID" Enter the following: "isv_apicenter_brincr" and press Apply
- On the right side of the screen you will find a block with the title 'Tenant'. From there copy the 'tenant_id'
- In APIcenter create a application. Select Brincr and enter the tenant_id in the tenant_id field.
- Press"save"
- Next press "authorize". A new screen will pop up in which you will be asked to enter your Brincr login credentions. (If this screen closes directly without needing to login its also fine.)
- Brincr is now connected to APIcenter. This can be tested by pressing the 'test connection' button. When a green checkmark is displayed your Brincr application has a good connection with APIcenter.