This tutorial shows how to use the Tax Mapping Table on products.
Step 1:
Go to the Data Mapping of the product Order synchronization on our APIcenter:
Step 2:
Scroll down, till you find the field we in our Core call 'taxClassId', this can be on the customer, or the order lines:
Step 3:
Select the fields you want to you want to use in the Tax Mapping. The field names differ per application, but usually this will be called something like vatCode or taxId. You can search for the field your Application is using by typing something like "Vat" or "tax" inside of the input field:
Step 4:
Go to the settings Tab and select the Tax & Tax Rates setting category:
Step 5:
Toggle the "Enable The use of a Default Tax Id button.
- Force The Use of The Default Tax Id - Always send the same value as tax id.
- The Value you want to fallback on if no tax id is being passed. If the Force The Use of The Default Tax Id is turned on, this will be the value you will always try to send to the source system.
- Use Default Tax Id Mapping Table - Use the values corresponding to the VAT id's fields you mapped on the taxClassId.
In the picture below, a low Vat Id on the ERP has a value of 1, a low Vat ID on the webshop has a value of 4. For high VAT's the tax Id on the ERP is 2 and on the Webshop it is 5.