Processing limit
Currently Winstore has a limitation on their API, which results in that variant information cannot be retrieved separately. Due to this limitation, it is not possible to specifically update variants alone. To compensate our integration platform will retrieve the entire product with all their variants. However since one product can have up to 30 variants, we cannot set the amount to process higher than 2. During the runtime this setting, which can be found Integrations -> Product flow -> Settings -> Run Behavoir, must always abide by this criteria. By default this will be set to 2, but take note that this cannot be increased without running into limitation issues.
Category Importability
By default, Winstore does not have a specified field where the category information is located. In ApiCenter, there are 2 options to still include category information to your products.
Option 1 is to set a default category name for all products. If you enable this setting all products will automatically contain the default category that you will enter.
Option 2 is to set a specific field from Winstore as the information source. Whatever is entered on this field will be added to that specific product.