This tutorial shows how to use the Tax Mapping Table on products.
Step 1:
Go to the Data Mapping of the Product Synchronization on our APIcenter:
Step 2:
Scroll down, till you find the field we in our Core call 'taxClassId':
Step 3:
Select the fields you want to use in the Tax Mapping. The fields to map against eachother should be VAT id's.
Step 4:
Go to settings, and collapse the Tax & Tax Rates section:
Step 5:
In the Tax & Tax Rates section, toggle the Use Default Tax Id Mapping Table button.
Step 6:
Use the values corresponding to the VAT id's fields you mapped on the taxClassId. In the picture below, a low Vat Id on the ERP has a value of 1, a low Vat ID on the webshop has a value of 4. For high VAT's the tax Id on the ERP is 2 and on the Webshop it is 5.