This manual shows how to setup the Marketplace Settings. This is a mandatory step for having a working order flow for Bol-customers. If these settings are not setup correctly, you will get the following error message: "Both settings to select which order types to retrieve are disabled".
Setting up the Marketplace Settings
Go to the settings of the Sales Order synchronization in our APIcenter and click on the "Marketplace Settings" tab:
Here you need to specify if you want to retrieve FBR orders, FBB orders, or both.
This stands for Fulfillment by Retailer. With this option the retailer, you, ship the order to the consumer.
This stands for Fulfillment By Here, you store some of your stock at and whenever a product is ordered, handles the delivery.
When you have toggled either of the two settings, you will see the following input fields:
Default warehouse for marketplace items
Make sure to set that the warehouse field on the warehouseCode core field in the Data Mapping is set. This will automatically fill the 'Default warehouse for marketplace items' field.
Retrieve items for marketplace with status
Here you need to specify weather you want to retrieve all orders, or all current open orders.
Use last modify date for marketplace items
Specify the date from which our APIcenter can start scanning for items.
After filling in this information, save the settings, by pressing the "Save Settings" button below.