The Default Payment Terms Id, is used to have a fallback value to send if no Payment term is given from the source system, or if you want to always force the same Payment Term value.
Where to find the Payment Terms Id Setting
First, go the Settings Tab on our APIcenter and press on the Customer Settings to collapse this section:
Here we find the input field for the default payment terms id, here we can set the default Payment term, where in this case "1" will be the fallback value is no value is given from the source system, or we can always send a payment term with id 1 by enabling the "Force The Usage Of The Default Payment Terms" button.
Data Mapping
Up next, we have to map the corresponding Payment Terms Id field in the Data Mapping:
Find the termsId field (with the description default_payment_terms_id) and map the end system's corresponding field. In this case PaymentCondition:
Now you will always try to send a PaymentCondition with the value 1 to the end system.